大熊雨林(Great Bear Rainforest)是加拿大BC省西北部的一片广阔而神秘的温带雨林,以其茂密的原始森林、丰富的生物多样性
大熊雨林(Great Bear Rainforest)是世界上面积最大的原始温带雨林,分布于加拿大BC省西北部。这里茂密的原始雨林、林中朦胧的雾气、波澜壮阔的海岸线、幽深的山壁洞穴、神秘的原住民与图腾文化、还有林间的动物精灵...组成了这片让全球旅行者向往的遗世独立的天地! #加拿大置业# #生活在加拿大# 生...
解析 第一空:We are going to visit 第二空:it will rain 第一空应填入“We are going to visit”,表示我们将要去参观森林。第二空应填入“it will rain”,表示我确定稍后会下雨。因为文章提到现在是晴天,但要带雨衣,说明天气会发生变化,而雨林中的树木可以制造雨水,所以推断出之后会下雨。
through the forest today. It's sunny now, but please take a raincoat. I'm sure it 2 later. The trees in a rainforest can make their own rain. How? Well, look up — way, way, up — and you 3 clouds at the top of these trees. Water comes into the air from the leaves, and...
The Great Bear Rainforest is one of the largest intact tracts of coastal temperate rainforest left in the world, and British Columbia is committed to preserving it. The Great Bear Rainforest agreement offers a gift to the world, ensuring that 85 percent of the forested area is permanently pro...
Authentic stories from the people and places of the Great Bear Rainforest in the beautiful British Columbia.
Don’t miss the chance to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of the great bear rainforest and its breathtaking nature. Join us on this unforgettable journey and discover the magic of this extraordinary place, and one of Canada’s best kept secrets in Bella Coola BC....
Welcome to the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada! We___ through the forest today. It's sunny now, but please take a raincoat. I'm sure it___ later. The trees in a rainforest can make their own rain.How? Well, look up — way, way, up — and you___ clouds at the top of the...
Welcome to the Great Bear Rainforest in Canada! We 1 through the forest today. It's sunny now, but please take a raincoat. I'm sure it 2 later. The trees in a rainforest can make their own rain. How? Well, look up – way, way, up – and you 3 clouds at the top of ...
Editorial. Focuses on the ecology of the Great Bear Rainforest and the Stoltmann Wilderness in British Columbia (BC). Impact of the policies of Premier Glen Clark on the environment; Interest of the timber industry in the area; Example of the government's lack of commitment in protecting the...