15 Great 3DS Games for ChristmasAndy Robertson
Yes, that includes mods of existing games!!! Never re-link, or mirror assets without express permission from the original artist. Always credit the original artist by name, and link to their portfolio. Always link back to this thread as the source of the artwork. ...
there we go!). Welcome to the first in a series of behind-the-scenes articles about the two games of The Great Ace Attorney duology –‘The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures’ and ‘The Great Ace Attorney: Resolve’. As this is a new game outside of Japan...
Make 2D Games Great Again! 对于玩家而言,从Wii和3DS后重启的2D版本的《新 超级马力欧兄弟》不仅是中国玩家的蓦然回首,更是全球玩家在多少年的E3游戏展会中仅看到3D版本的马力欧的悻悻而归后的激情重燃,任天堂终于放下执念,掸掉当年一头扎进3D领域竞争后的腻腻灰尘,将马力欧的2D横版和3D箱庭双线出品的轨迹延续...
The first screenshot is from ‘Chronicles’ while the latter is from the 3DS version. The reason the 3DS version looks yellower overall is because the 3DS screen is bluer in tone than a regular PC monitor. So, to compensate, the original dev team placed a yellow filter over their illustra...
The game was released for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan in July 2015, with Android and iOS versions following in August 2017. A sequel, The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve, was released in Japan in 2017. Both games were released worldwide in July 2021 via The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, a...
A New Game + mode in JRPGs is often a lazy way to rehash existing content and pad out games that don’t need it. However, some titles have used New Game+ in highly entertaining ways that improve the base experience. In order to use New Game +, players will usually have to complete...
This immersion is already well underway and while for right now, the full potential use of augmented and virtual realities is currently costly, the advent of games utilizing the technology is a great indicator of where its heading and the benefits it can bring to the industry. ...
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