GRE里的填空和阅读统称为verbal,考试时每个section各有十道题。verbal考的不是英语翻译,而是逻辑思维,解决verbal的核心就是明确做题的逻辑,例如填空取同取反,阅读的十种题型等等,翻译法做题万万不可取。 很多同学急于求成在还没有搞懂逻辑时就开始盲目刷题,反而适得其反。另外语法不好的同学可以先看看长难句,GRE阅...
Tips for Verbal Reasoning Enhancement of vocabulary by reading newspapers and by practicing new words daily. Practice of the reading section for GRE, which will improve skills of comprehension. Understanding of sentence structure as well as tone of paragraph which will analyze the meaning and formatio...
2.语文+数学部分 随后再选择刷Verbal部分的真题来进行单词的巩固,把《巍哥GRE数学词汇汇总》熟悉之后再...
我会给每个section设定正确率要求,例如填空题以10题为一组,在连续3组简单填空题(依据kmf网站分类)达到10/10的正确率后就开始练习中档填空题,中档填空题的标准为8-9/10,困难填空题为7/10。 我最后刷题的题量大致为:Verbal部分,填空1000题左右,六选二100...
usually care more about your Quant score, while humanities-focused programs care more about your Verbal score. For some programs (like some in the social sciences) both scores may be considered important. By figuring out what is and isn’t important, you can better focus your preparation ...
This is a good recommendation for how you should go about your GRE Verbalpreparation. Discover the Hidden Tips & Strategies in GRE preparation! Start Now!Start Now! You want to follow an organized study plan that tells you to need to do at a particular time. You need to complete before ...
Here are some tips to help you prepare for the GRE exam: 1. Know the rules of the game – Get thorough with the structure, format, and scoring of the test. 2. Review the essentials (basic concepts) required for the test. For verbal, learn vocabulary and for math, learn the basics ...
Verbal Preparation experience 词汇和填空 ——重视短期记忆,日常强化积累。 因为很早就明确了出国读研的计划,也早就听说过GRE单词的噩梦级别,于是从大一起我就用背单词软件以每天十几个单词的速度来熟悉传说中的大三千, 但一遍过完我发现这样的长周期作战于我而言常常像是“狗熊掰棒子”——背了新词,忘了旧词,到头...
我建议GRER以最新版的红宝为核心,买本韦氏查词,新蓝宝作辅助。背GRE单词的目的就是看懂GRE Verbal部分的词,只要求见到看见英文知道常考的中文含义即可,不需要根据中文翻译成英文或知道如何拼写,写作所需词汇另当别论。(如果大家觉得对写作或以后有用的词也可以整理备用) ...
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