GRE Score Booster is leading test prep portal for GRE. You can get customized study plan and consistent support from mentors. Provide with free mock tests and exquisite material to get targeted score.
GRE专业考试(Subject Test)测试内容为测量考生在某一学科领域或专业领域内所获得的知识和技能以及能力水平...
ScoreAnalytical Writing Percentile 6.099 5.598 5.091 4.581 4.056 3.538 3.017 2.57 2.02 1.51 1.0<1 In other words, a score of 5 on the essay portion of the GRE means you performed better than 91 percent of test takers. What are good GRE scores for MY goals?
新GRE考试分数评分标准,GRE General先将各部分正确答案的数目记录下来,得出原始分数(Raw score),即答对一题给一分并且相加,然后根据GRE General分数转换表将原始分数转换成比率分(Scaled Score),再将各部门的比率分相加得出总分。GRE一般能力考试三大部分的满分为2400分,每部分(语言能力部分、数学能力部分和分析能力部分...
SAT,全名为Scholastic Aptitude Test,即“学业能力倾向测验”,是一项由美国大学理事会(College Board)主办的标准化学术能力水平考试,也被称为美国的高考。由Educational Testing Service(ETS)负责出题和阅卷。 SAT的总分为1600分,由阅读(...
一、大陆地区的查分步骤 第一步:进入教育部考试中心GRE报名网,登陆你报名时...
More Average GRE Test Scores by Intended Graduate Major Field As you’re applying to graduate programs, the average score of all test-takers is irrelevant. For you, the average score for your particular program at your target school is much more important. This is the score you need to exce...
GRE Writing Score:5.0-6.0 Competitive GRE Scores These GRE scores will put you in a highly competitive place in admissions (top 25% of all GRE test takers) GRE Verbal Score:158-170 GRE Quantitative Score:165-170 GRE Writing Score:4.5 ...
How High is a Good GRE Test Score for Grad School? According to the ETS, a score above 318 in the 75th percentile is agood GRE scorethat will be competitive for most grad school programs. Although, it is important to keep in mind that good is a relative term because it is based on...