2.登陆到自己的主界面选择Send Additional Score Reports 3.输入 GRE 学校代码和院系代码 4.选择专业代码 5.选择 Which Scores to Send 6.选择 Add a Score Recipient 并且重复 3-5 步骤的操作 7.全部添加完成后,选择 Add to Cart and Checkout 8.确认 GRE 送分结果,并且点击 Proceed to Checkout 付费 9...
▲图 | GRE官网 https://www.ets.org/gre.html 如果还未送分,红色方框里会显示“Send My Scores”,如果已经送过分,红色方框里则会显示“Send Additional Score Reports”。 ▲图 | GRE官网 https://www.ets.org/gre.html 第四步 点击“Send Additional Score Reports”进入下一个页面,检查你的个人信息是否...
On test day at the end of your exam, you can select up to 4 programs to send your official scores to for free. As for what “scores” means here, you have a couple options: Most recent: send only the scores of the test you just took ...
送分流程操作 1. 输入账号密码登陆 ETS 的 GRE 账户:http://www.ets.org/gre,点击“Send Additiononal Score Reports” 确认个人信息无误后点击“NEXT” 2. Score Recipient Name and Code 处填入学校代码即Institution Code然后选择相关的学校;Department Name and Code 处填入院系代码即Department Code然后选择相...
Step4、点击” Send Additional Score Reports”。 Step 5、输入学校名称及所在州,搜索学校。一所学校可能出现多个选项,为该校的不同校区,选择你要申请的校区,点击”Add”即可。如需添加多所学校,则重复以上步骤,全部Add之后点击”Continue”。 Step 6、点击“Choose Scores”,查看学校送分政策。
ETS GRE will also send an official Institution Score Report to the GRE-accepting universities selected by the test taker on the test day. Candidates can know the unofficial scores of GRE 2025 for the Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning sections immediately after completion of the exam on the compute...
About the GRE,GRE Scores GRE score percentiles give you an idea ofhow well your GRE scoresstack up against other GRE test takers. Each score corresponds to a percentile, which tells you the percentage of students who scored below you. We’ll share the current Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative...
用刚才注册的账号密码登录你的ETS账户(www.ets.org/gre),点击“View Scores and Score Recipients”即可查询成绩。 Send Additional Score Reports这个版块是额外寄送成绩版块,就是你最终分数以及各科排名百分比情况。 GRE Diagnostic Service是详细的成绩报告,GRE的分数诊断也可以从这里看,这个版块可以看到自己哪道题做错...
The GRE scores specify your official GRE report after taking the exam and the reports the candidate will send to several universities. Check out the process for sending your GRE scores to various universities. Login into your ETS account
账号注册成功,然后我们就可以回到GRE官网首页登录你的ETS账号进入主页之后,就可以在Scores查询你的正式成绩了,点击View Scores and Score Recipients查询成绩,可看到语文、数学及写作成绩。GRE Diagnostic Service是详细的成绩报告。Send Additional Score Reports这个版块是额外寄送成绩版块。 官网查询 国外GRE成绩查询--官网...