the GRE scores at top universities matter in large part because the schools are so competitive. This is true for the rest of your application. When competition is so tight, every single part of your application can matter a lot. This ranges from having a competitive GRE score to a strong ...
Again, you’re going to want to researcheachof your schools’ requirements to find the best and most accurate answer. You can get some ballpark figures by looking at theGRE score ranges for top universities. You can also look at the averages for various types of programs:What’s a Good ...
A good GRE score should fall in the 310 to 315 range, and make you competitive at the particular grad school you wish to attend, admissions experts say.
MSMBSinUSA. (n.d.).GRE Score Guide to Prepare for MS in US.Retrieved from Rachel,K. (2018, December).GRE Score Range: What’s a Good GRE Score?Retrieved from
对于想申请个美国TOP30-50院校的小伙伴,建议GRE成绩达到320+这样一个分数比较合适。图源来自网络 另外,...
1 GRE Universities for Scores > 333 2 Universities for Revised GRE Score > 320 3 US Universities for GRE Score Range 321, 322, 323, 324, 325 此外,GRE分数仅仅是入学申请的一个参考因素,并非决定因素。不同的专业申请要求也不相同,一些热门专业,例如电子技术、计算机和自动控制等专业,由于申请者很多,...
Understanding GRE test scores is important for candidates who wish to apply to graduate schools. Here is a detailed overview of GRE Scoring system, how to access the scores and how to send them to universities. GRE Scoring Overview GRE Score ComponentScore RangeMean Score ...
Quantitative Reasoning:The Quantitative Reasoning score range is also between 130 and 170, in one-point increments. Analytical Writing:Each task is scored on a scale of 0 to 6, in half-point increments. The two scores are then averaged to get the Analytical Writing score, which ranges from ...
Pay the Fee: Make the payment for the test (currently $205). Confirmation: Once registered, you will receive an email with your test details. GRE 2025: Score Range The GRE is scored on the following scale: Verbal Reasoning: 130-170 ...