I took my GRE a few days ago after getting about 2 days to study for it. Though I’m not too happy with my score, its the best I could do with 2 days. I have a score of 156 in quant and 156 in verbal. I’m looking for a masters with focus in electrical engineering, having...
MSMBSinUSA. (n.d.).GRE Score Guide to Prepare for MS in US.Retrieved fromhttps://www.msmbainusa.com/articles/entrance-preparations/gre-score-ms-us/ Rachel,K. (2018, December).GRE Score Range: What’s a Good GRE Score?Retrieved fromhttps://magoosh.com/gre/2017/gre-score-range-good-...
这一类以Columbia哥伦比亚大学的Applied Analytics专业为例,项目并不要求申请者们一定要提交GMAT/GRE,只是说明recommended/encouraged,但其实学校这么说了,没有特殊情况的话,我们建议大家还是提交分数。这一类情况下有分数的申请者肯定比没有分数的明确有优势,这就要跟第一种optional类型区别开来。只要相应考试要求部分...
Q在153-158之间,AW在4分,就是一个不错的GRE成绩(Good Score),超越了50%的人。如果V在163-170...
Not only students of Canada but also students of India and all other countries can get MBA admission in following top MBA colleges in Canada based on GRE score University of Toronto: Rotman University of Western Ontario – Ivey HEC Montreal University of British Columbia – Sauder York University...
GRE Universities for Scores > 333 US Universities for GRE Score Range 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340. Universities for Revised GRE Score > 325 US Universities for GRE Score Range 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333 ...
Compare the average GRE scores of admitted applicants at the world's leading business schools and find out if your score is competitive.
Yale universityHarvard Law SchoolChicago College of LawColumbia Law SchoolNew York UniversityUniversity of Pennsylvania Law SchoolNorthwestern University Pritzker School of LawUniversity of VirginiaCornell Law SchoolGeorgetown University Law Center 那么作为申请法学院最重要的一个成绩LSAT/GRE,要达到多少分才能保证...
New score New score New score Deepak Singla Columbia University Simran Julka University of Michigan Ann Arbor RUPAL BALIYAN Brown University Udhaya Chandiran Stanford University Kartikeya Bector Columbia University Amit Dhebri Oxford University Annapurna Pandita Duke University Jenil Shah INSEAD...
guidance, I achieved an outstanding GMAT score of 770 and secured coveted admissions to Chicago Booth and Columbia through deferred admits. Their unparalleled support and resources were instrumental in shaping my success story. Thank you, IMS International, for being the cornerstone of my journey to...