不要求提供 “GREs will NOT be required for the CS doctoral or masters program applications for Fall 2022.” 约翰霍普金斯大学 博士项目不接受GRE,硕士项目要求提供GRE“The Whiting School of Engineering does not require GRE General Test scores for applications to our PhD programs. The Whiting School o...
5. Who is eligible for GRE exam? For the GRE 2025, the ETS has not set any specific eligibility requirements. So candidates irrelevant of their age, or educational background can attempt the GRE test. Usually, students who completed studying bachelors attempt the GRE to seek masters admission...
https://www.cs.ucla.edu/graduate-requirements/ 加州大学伯克利分校 不需要 GRE : 加州大学伯克利分校官方宣布:大部分研究生项目将继续暂停一年 GRE 要求。目前,已有超过 125 个研究生项目不用提交 GRE 成绩。 https://news.berkeley.edu/2021/09/27/uc-berkeley-eliminates-gre-test-requirement-for-vast-majori...
Ph.D. in Cinema Studies(MFA选择性提交;Game Design需要GRE) MS in Applied Statistics for Social Science Research PhD in Developmental Psychology Mpa in Public & Nonprofit Management & Policy Master of Computing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (MS-CEI) Master of Urban Planning 同时纽约大学也更改了官...
and Aerospace EngineeringPh.D. in Mathematics埃默里大学不需要GRE/GMAT:PhD in Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis选择性提交GRE/GMAT:PhD in Comparative Literature威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校不需要GRE/GMAT:MS in Civil and Environmental EngineeringMS in Urban and Regional Planning选择性提交GRE/GMAT:Masters ...
数据分析硕士MS in Data Analytics土木工程硕士MS in Civil Engineering数学硕士Masters in Mathematics公共行政学硕士Masters in Public Administration…… (图为圣何塞州立大学,来源于Google) 除了以上这些,还有很多学校的CS研究生课程也同样不需要GRE分数。 ① 洛约拉大学 ② 北弗吉尼亚大学 ③ 堪萨斯州立大学 ④ 弗...
常春藤盟校耶鲁大学对GRE的要求因项目而异,其中有包括博士在内多个项目可选择性提交、甚至不提交GRE成绩(例如CS PhD不接受GRE成绩)。虽然学校还未更新2022年秋季的录取要求,但一些不接受GRE成绩的项目还是非常值得一看的。参考网址:https://gsas.yale.edu/admissions/phdmasters-application-process/standardized-...
I took my GRE a few days ago after getting about 2 days to study for it. Though I’m not too happy with my score, its the best I could do with 2 days. I have a score of 156 in quant and 156 in verbal. I’m looking for a masters with focus in electrical engineering, having...
https://gradadm.seas.upenn.edu/masters/computer-and-information-technology-mcit/ 布兰迪斯大学 Brandeis University 计算机科学 MA in Computer Science for Non-majors 布兰迪斯的这个项目是专门针对非计算机专业背景的学生开设 项目为期两年(相当于四个学期)和普通的CS项目比起来多了一个学期,多的那个学期就是主...
Yale University耶鲁大学 耶鲁大学应用数学、化学与环境工程、电子工程、心理学、社会学、统计学等专业可选择性提交GRE成绩;生物化学、计算生物与生物信息学、历史学等无需提交GRE成绩,具体可查询以下链接。链接:https://gsas.yale.edu/admissions/phdmasters-application-process/standardized-testing-requirements Columbia...