首先在进入的页面中: powerprep II中答案解析选项按照页面中介绍,首先在下拉栏中选择相应的试题,然后点击下面的review answers.然后一直按continue进入到下一界面:具体的答案位置 。按照图中标示分别查看Correct Answer和My Answer。答完题后点review answers 里面的作文task1,task2后面都有save response to file,然后导...
C) processed tomato products include the lowest concentrations of lycopene D) there are several health problems that may result from consuming a great deal of lycopene E) unlike the popular belief, fat doesn't help the absorption of lycopene in the body Score = Correct answers:You...
all questions contribute equally to the final score. 大家需要注意的是,在一个语文部分中,不管是单空题还是双空、三空还是句子等价题甚至是阅读题在这一个section中分值一样,并不存在一道多空题分数就比一道单空题要多的说法。
On the GRE, only correct answers receive a score. If you skip a question or answer one incorrectly, it doesn’t show in your score as a positive or negative. The correct response scores are added up, and the total number of points forms your raw score. This gives you a clue to the...
顺序就是vqvqv或者qvqvq 在第一阶段的vq考完后会有十分钟的休息时间。考试期间有不会的可以选择跳过,...
A) remind B) remember C) compel D) recall E) nominate F) require 7. The new law --- a man to claim money from the government if he has no work. A) intends B) enables C) empower D) surveys E) presumes F) purchases Score = Correct answers:You...
Finally, your essay needs to be grammatically correct. This can be challenging for test takers as most of us are used to writing with some form of grammar check. Make sure to really pay attention to this aspect of your writing as you practice.You want to make sure words are spelled corr...
此外,第三版的官方指南48页说道:Single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank; no credit for partially correct answers. 即每个空格选择一个选项,多空题必须每个选项全对才有分,部分正确没有分。 结合上述说法我们会发现,如果考生做对18题左右就可以获得150/170的Verbal分数,而在这个分数段,...
此外,官方还附赠了score report,correct answers,explanation for correct answers等服务(虽然他们家的答案对应的解释给了跟没给差不多) 当然,这么好的服务并不免费,每套售价为39.95美元。而且买完了之后发现,你做完了,得出了分数,这套题目就不能重做了。那些打着如意算盘,指望做完一遍以后,再用这套题目跑两遍其他...
In this post, I’ll look at the factors that go into a good GRE score, from the score range to the average score per section. With this information under your belt, you’ll be better able to set the GRE goals that make sense for you—and make the most of your studies!