Note that the DNS Benchmark already incorporates the two OpenDNS resolver IP addresses of [] and []. And also note that the DNS Benchmark detects that, in its default configuration, the OpenDNS resolvers do not return errors. This behavior can be disabled for regi...
Version 1.1 of GRC's DNS Benchmarkadded the major new feature of rapidly scanning a global master list of nearly five thousand (4,854 at the time of this writing) known potential DNS resolving nameservers and building a fully customized list of the top 50 fastest responding resolvers. This...
dns-{year}{month}{day}-{hour}{minute}{second}.csv Since the date and time is given in UTC time, a benchmark that completed on March 23rd, 2010 at 22:39:03 (UTC), would create a logfile named: dns-20100320-223903.csv If anything other than another command '/', or the end of ...
Throughout these pages, and throughout the DNS Benchmark, we use the term “System” nameserver to mean any DNS server that is currently configured for use by the local system upon which the Benchmark is being run. We use the term “Public” to refer to all other nameservers that are ...
DNSBenchAdvanced DNS Benchmark utility. Compare the performance and reliablity of your system's currently configured DNS servers to many publicly available alternatives. Last Updated:Size: 169k Apr 21, 2019 at 00:00(2,134.00 days ago) Downloads/day: 1,279Total downloads: 9,453,178 Current ...
To support the rapid development of the DNS Benchmark, and for the future work on CryptoLink, I created a pseudo-DNS server at GRC which can be queried with a single DNS packet for the latest version of any of GRC's recent software. The returned version number, as an IP address, is...
Benchmarking DNSAfter catching up with the week's security updates and news, I formally unveil GRC's latest freeware, the DNS Benchmark. I explain the value of the program's many features and discusses the operation of this “long time in coming” freeware offering. 30 MB 7.5 MB 73 KB ...
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