GRB喷流引力波短时标伽马射线暴(简称短暴)GRB 170817A是人类发现的第一个与引力波事件成协的伽马暴,为深入研究短暴的发生机制提供了宝贵的机会,其中它的多波段余辉辐射很可能展示了喷流的角向结构.而有关短暴的大样本统计研究表明,如果用高斯函数来唯象描述喷流结构,很可能需要引入两个高斯函数才能够把GRB170817A...
Gamma-ray burst: individual: GRB170817AGamma-rays: generalGravitational wavesMethods: data analysisMethods: statisticalGRB 170817A, associated with the LIGO-Virgo GW170817 neutron-star merger event, lacks the short duration and hard spectrum of a Short gamma-ray burst (GRB) expected from long-...
GRB170817A, associated with the LIGO-Virgo GW170817 neutron-star merger event, lacks the short duration and hard spectrum of a Short gamma-ray burst (GRB) expected from long-standing classification models. Correctly identifying the class to which this burst belongs requires comparison with other G...
Late afterglows of GW/GRB 170817A 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 71 作者: H Ziaeepour 摘要: The gamma-ray burst that followed the first detection of gravitational waves from the merger of a Binary Neutron Stars (BNS) and its low energy counterparts were in many respects unusual. In a ...
在2017年,科学家们探测到了距离地球约40百万光年的双中子星并合事件GW170817,并观测到了与之相关的千新星AT 2017gfo以及短伽马暴GRB 170817A。这是目前为止唯一一次对千新星的多元信使观测。通常认为,短伽马暴的起源之一就是致密双星的并合。虽然科学家们已在某些短伽马暴中寻找到了疑似千新星的辐射,但与长伽马暴...
摘要: 伴随着引力波事件GW170817的短暴GRB(Gamma-Ray Burst)170817A首次提供了双中子星并合与短暴相联系的直接证据.但是短暴GRB 170817A具有非常弱的光度,意味着观测的视线方向可能偏离喷流轴方向.根据短暴静止系的峰值能量Ep,i和各向同性光度Liso之间的关系以及洛伦兹因子Γ和Liso之间... 查看全部>> ...
Motivating by the discovery of association between GW 170817 and sGRB 170817A, we present a comprehensive analysis for sGRBs observed with Fermi/GBM in 9 operation years and study the properties of sGRB 170817A -like events. We derive a catalog of 275 typical sGRBs and 48 sGRB 170817A-like...
GRB 170817A is a soft, weak sGRB with Ep=124±106 keV, Liso=(5.67±4.65)×1046 erg s−1, and Eiso=(3.23±2.65)×1046 erg. It follows the Eiso−Ep relation of typical short GRBs. Its lightcurve is of Pattern II. Two lightcurve patterns, together with the potential two ...
The clear association between GRB 170817A and AT 2017gfo has led to introduce a new model based on on a new subfamily of GRBs originating from WD-WD mergers. We show how this novel model is in agreement with the exceptional observations in the optical, infrared, X- and gamma-rays of ...
最近的发现:引力波(GW170817)与双星中子星合并产生的电磁(EM)波(GRB 170817A)的传播速度相同,并不一定意味着它们以速度c传播。 作者的最新作品(2015)Journal of Modern Physics,6,78-87,and 1360-1370; (2016),7,1829-1844; (2017),8,622-635表明Ia型超新星(SNe Ia)亮度的降低可以通过假设暗能量而不是负...