The land was used chiefly for pasture. 这土地多半用作牧场。 Cattle were grazing on the meadow. 牛在牧场上吃草。 On this public domain the government, as proprietor, can lease grazing, lands. 作为这块国有土地的所有者,政府可在该土地上出租牧地。
(h) “Grazing land management” is the system of practices on land used for livestock production aimed at manipulating the [...] “牧场管理”是指在用于畜牧生 产的土 地上 旨在调控所产植被和牲 畜的数量和类型的一套做法 This includes recognizing...
grazing land [ˈgreɪzɪŋ lænd] 释义 牧场 实用场景例句 全部 He will need more grazing land and perhaps La Prade could lease him a few acres. 他将需要更多牧场,也许拉普拉德可以租几英亩地给他。 柯林斯例句 Grazing land area, not the industrial soil, water and air pollution. 放牧地...
The land was used chiefly for pasture.这土地多半用作牧场。 Cattle were grazing on the meadow.牛在牧场上吃草。 On this public domain the government, as proprietor, can lease grazing, lands.作为这块国有土地的所有者,政府可在该土地上出租牧地。 权威例句 An international terminology for grazing la...
3.The land was used chiefly for pasture. 这土地多半用作牧场。 4.Cattle were grazing on the meadow. 牛在牧场上吃草。 5.On this public domain the government, as proprietor, can lease grazing, lands. 作为这块国有土地的所有者,政府可在该土地上出租牧地。
cow pasture- a pasture for cows grassland- land where grass or grasslike vegetation grows and is the dominant form of plant life rural area,country- an area outside of cities and towns; "his poetry celebrated the slower pace of life in the country" ...
2.(Aeronautics) another name forangle of attack 3.(Aeronautics) Also called:rigging angle of incidencethe angle between the chord line of an aircraft wing or tailplane and the aircraft's longitudinal axis Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins ...
Your family just agreed to a 100-yeargrazing-landlease of the dorway firth. A családod beleegyezett egy 100 évesföldbérlésbe, a mi legelőnkön. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 — improvinggrazing landmanagement by including changes to the intensity and timing of grazing, ...
In addition to the public lease acreage and income contributions to lessee operations, lack of other alternatives is another motivator for public land use in these case studies. Because of development pressures, public leases are also seen as more stable. The public land cattle grazing lessees in...
Livestock and poultry may be kept for only the personal use of each Owner; provided, that the foregoing restriction shall not be applicable to the use of the Properties by the Tenant pursuant to theGrazing Lease. Brown has the authority to develop the land since the holder of Forest LandGra...