There arethree factionsinGray Zone Warfareall doing battle on the fictional island of Lamang. Here’s all the information currently available. Keep in mind that choosing a faction is important because it can’t be switched until the next game reset (wipe), which takes place “every few month...
PinnacleOne ExecBrief | Cyber Gray Zone Risks in the Indo-Pacific Over the next decade, the Indo-Pacific region will be the epicenter of global cyber competition. A recent collaborative study between academic institutions and military cyber experts –“Cyber Competition in the Indo-Pacific: Gray Z...
There arethree factionsinGray Zone Warfareall doing battle on the fictional island of Lamang. Here’s all the information currently available. Keep in mind that choosing a faction is important because it can’t be switched until the next game reset (wipe), which takes place “every few month...