Gray Zone Warfarehas multiple vendors, each specializing in a different area. For instance, Lab Rat is an expert in acquiring and providing quests tied to medical supplies:Meds Wanted,Lost and Found, andSecret Compassion, for instance. Gunny, meanwhile, can provide a healthy array of weapons ...
Gray Zone Warfare灰区战争AYE AYE,CAPTAIN 是是,船长(任务)攻略 72 0 01:09 App Gray Zone Warfare灰区战争LAST FAREWELL 最后的告别(任务)攻略 124 0 01:09 App Gray Zone Warfare灰区战争LAST FAREWELL II 最后的告别 II(任务)攻略 93 0 01:12 App Gray Zone Warfare灰区战争SECRET COMPASSION 秘密...
【条条】灰区战争 Gray Zone Warfare 详细点位 任务合集 (77/117) 自动连播 3.1万播放 简介 订阅合集 杂谈及其他设置 服装商HANDS 美商GUNNY 医生LABRAT 工匠ARTISA 背叛者TURNC 女妖BANSHE MEDS WANTED 医生 新手村 01:14 LOST AND FOUND 医生 新手村 01:01 SECRET COMPASSION 医生 新手村...
There were only two places to go to at this point. One was what AIM alumni know as the “Q” zone (the quit zone) deep in the valley of the “Project Mood Curve”. The other was deeper into the Secret Place. Thankfully we were both compelled toward the latter. Yet even that was...
say?…”“Did God really place you here? Or were we imagining things?” There were only two places to go to at this point. One was what AIM alumni know as the “Q” zone (the quit zone) deep in the valley of the “Project Mood Curve”. The other was deeper into the Secret ...