Wet blue eyes, like eyes in a clear aspic —Jonathan Valin Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
Jaymay - Gray Or Blue
blue-eyed grasses blue-eyed Mary blue-eyed Mary blue-eyed Marys blue-eyed Marys Blue-eyed soul Blue-Eyed White blue-eyedly blue-eyedly Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Blue-Eyes White Dragon Blue-faced Leicester Blue-faced Leicester ...
Crazy eyes have you Are they gray or blue I won't make the move You must make the move If you make the move I will then approve If you do not move We will surely lose Don't second guess your feelings You were right from the start And I notice she's your lover ...
blue-gray eyes c : dull in color 2 : having the hair gray : hoary 3 : clothed in gray 4 a : lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style, or flavor also : dismal, gloomy a gray day b : prosaically ordinary : dull, uninteresting the boring, gray dullness of...
ˈgrā variants or less commonly grey Synonyms of gray 1 a : of the color gray b : tending toward gray blue-gray eyes c : dull in color 2 : having the hair gray : hoary 3 : clothed in gray 4a : lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style, or flavor also ...
【除了他的母亲之外,诗人同事理查德·韦斯特 (Richard West) 是格雷最亲爱的人,他于 1742 年 6 月 1 日因肺病去世,对格雷来说是一个严重的损失。韦斯特的死确实激发了著名的(主要是因为华兹华斯对它的使用)《理查德·韦斯特之死》,但它是今年最短、最不重要的作品。《春之颂》(1748 年)的灵感源自韦斯特于 ...
15. As he faced the cool gray eyes which, effortlessly, seemed to bore into him 他看到那双冷淡的大眼睛似乎漫不经心地直盯着自己的脸。 16. gray什么意思 16. SOLAR COOL GRAY: A blue/gray tinted reflected glass to cut ultraviolet light and solar heat gain. ...
Sporting a short gray-brown coat and gray or blue eyes, this breed always seems to make an immediate impression on people. There’s a reason it has acquired the descriptive nickname of the Gray Ghost. A long-haired version of this breed is also recognized by many kennel clubs around the ...