the white matter is as a white as the name would imply. The boundaries where the gray matter and the white matter come together are known as the “gray matter/white matter interface.” In such areas, there is a significant difference in the density of brain material, which makes them cons...
This fascinating journey from the gut to the gray matter reveals an astonishing dimension of scientific exploration. The intricate interconnectedness of the gut-brain axis and the microbiota's impact on brain function carries substantial implications for mental well-being. This bu...
The female uses in the cerebrum the white matter is masculine 10 times, but in the masculine use cerebrum gray matter is feminine 6.5 times.The gray matter includes the information processing center, the white matter function is connects these information processing center, forms the network.It ca...
gray matter Thesaurus Medical Legal Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia n. 1.Brownish-gray nerve tissue, especially of the brain and spinal cord, composed of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites and some supportive tissue. 2.InformalBrains; intellect. ...
COVID-19 patients who receive oxygen therapy or experience fever show reduced gray matter volume in the frontal-temporal network of the brain, according to a new study led by researchers at Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Technology
To evaluate volumetric gray matter (GM) changes related to sustained VS-associated tinnitus (susTN), we performed a surface-based morphometry on patients’ individual structural MRI. Whole-brain vertex-based statistical maps (corrected for TIV) indicated volumetric changes covering ipsilesional and ...
Teenagers with type 2 diabetes have significant changes in total brain gray matter volume and in regions of gray matter involved in seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, speech, decision making, and self-control.
White matter (dis)connections and gray matter (dys)functions in visual neglect: Gaining insights into the brain networks of spatial awareness Seminal case reports collected during the middle part of the XX century, designated the parietal lobe as the principal area of damage in patients suffering....
Developmental dyslexia, characterized by unexpected reading difficulty, is associated with anomalous brain anatomy and function. Previous structural neuroimaging studies have converged in reports of less gray matter volume (GMV) in dyslexics within left hemisphere regions known to subserve language. Due to...
Thus, even motoneurons have a form of interneuronal function. Laminar Organization Like many regions in the supraspinal brain, the spinal gray matter exhibits a degree of laminated organization based on the density and size of the constituent neurons. This lamination (Fig. 4, right), originally ...