But as for now, non-medical treatments at a local salon are probably the best bet at reducing grays. "Right now, the only cure we have for gray hair is a good colorist," Zeichner said. TOPICS Life's Little Mysteries Sarah Wells Live Science Contributor Sarah is a D.C.-based ...
skincare is something that's been really hard for me to prioritize because a lot of skincare has to do with self-care, and self-care is difficult for me sometimes. and i feel like skincare is something that can be a task, but it's something that's necessary and makes you feel ...
But, many people who want to paint their walls gray are concerned that their home will look too cold and stark. Well let me put this fear to rest. Believe it or not, there are hundreds of grays. It’s all about choosing the right gray, and it is easy enough to find a warm gray....
Even more, you may be wondering, what gave me the gray hair, and why would anyone be interested? Obviously, first things first, before becoming a mommy blogger, I had to become a mommy. Never one to rush into things, I was 51 when I had my first (and only) child. Becoming a “l...
LindaofHeadstarthairdressingsalon,Joppa,Edinburgh,forherinvaluableadviceon theawfulpitfallsofamateurhairdyeing–anddisasterrecovery. ElizabethScottwhokeptusrightonmattersfeline. Forthosereadersinterestedinthephenomenonofcatsthatpaint(orfindtheidea totallyincredible),wereferyoutotheamazingworksofartinWhyCatsPaint–a ...
“Everyone around me is a total stranger. Everyone avoids me like a cyclone ranger. That’s why I’m turning Japanese…I really think so.” The question of whether or not I’ll be medically fit for this hike increases in validity as the date draws near. I know I’m physically fit. ...
Your individual hair type as well as various hair products you've used in the past affect how your hair takes to natural colorants. Save a few trimmings of hair the next time you get your hair cut, or snip a lock of hair near the back of your neck. Apply the colorant you want to...