ps4中文_52_舞之灵.BOUND Shattered Kingdom 22:49 ps4中文_53_使命召唤19:现代战争2 – 2022 战火重燃.Call of Duty Modern Warfare II 24:29 ps4中文_54_使命召唤:现代战争2 – 剧情重制版.Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered 12:37 ps4中文_55_神秘海域4:盗贼末路.Uncharted 4:A ...
Gravity Rush Remastered (PS4) Box Contains. As soon as the challenge starts, leap into the air and use Gravity Typhoon with + . Gravity Rush Remastered - Nevi Fighting Gameplay 1080p60. Price Match Guarantee. With incredible gravity-altering abilities, Kat is the only one who can salvage th...
Gravity Rush Remastered ₹2,497 游戏介绍 FALL INTO A GRAVITY-DEFYING ADVENTURE Harness the incredible power of gravity to save a world under siege from strange forces as the award-winning PS Vita hit Gravity Rush™ is remastered for PlayStation®4.With a mysterious black feline at your ...
Gravity Rush Remastered 249kr 游戏介绍 FALL INTO A GRAVITY-DEFYING ADVENTURE Harness the incredible power of gravity to save a world under siege from strange forces as the award-winning PS Vita hit Gravity Rush™ is remastered for PlayStation®4.With a mysterious black feline at your feet...
PS4 平均評分為5顆星(滿分5顆星),共1則評分 5 1個評分 HK$48.00 分級 小小大星球2 GRAVITY RUSH 重力異想世界服裝包 (中英韓文版) 登入以評分 全球玩家的評分 1個評分 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 遊戲和法律資訊 ※在購買本追加內容前若已購買個別包,恕不會作出退款,敬請見諒。此為「小小大星球 2」的追加內...
PS4 4.72 21K個評分 1名玩家 分級 Gravity Rush 重力異想世界 Remastered (中英韓文版) 全球玩家的評分 21274個評分 81% 14% 3% 1% 1% 遊戲和法律資訊 空中都市黑奇薩威因「重力暴風」而瀕臨毀滅,這時少女「凱特」恢復知覺。 失去記憶的她遇見不可思議的黑貓,成為「重力操控者」。她得保護城裡的人們,使其免...
重力异想世界:重制版Gravity Rush RemasteredPS4 美版 (2015)…封面载入中…
Hi, PlayStation fans. In addition toGravity Rush Remasteredcoming to PS4 in February next year, I’m excited to announce Gravity Rush 2 is also coming to North America, exclusively onPS4. In the sequel to the acclaimed PS Vita original, you’ll have brand new gravity-shifting options and...
equal Also Gravity Rush Remastered游戏介绍空中都市黑奇萨威因「重力暴风」而濒临毁灭,这时少女「凯特」恢复知觉。失去记忆的她遇见不可思议的黑猫,成为「重力操控者」。她得保护城里的人们,使其免于与暴风一同出现的怪物「奈必」的威胁,并为了将受暴风肆虐得黑奇萨威拯救出来而四处奔走。经历过与另一位重力操控的...
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