Since violet light has a higher frequency than red, we say that it has more energy. If you go all the way out on the electromagnetic spectrum, you will see that gamma rays are the most energetic. This should come as no surprise since it is commonly known that gamma rays have enough ...
A reason for all that I doAnd the reason is you longcar 极光元老 15 TELL ME IT’S LOVEAfter all the lights come downAnd the circus has left townWill you be the one I can count on?Will you be around?When the stage is dark and emptyAnd the last song has been sungWill the ...
In this work, we consider R+αR2 gravity and derive the complete quartic interaction vertex in light-cone gauge. We then discuss the implications of the results for KLT relations, and computing MHV amplitudes.MahendraDepartmentMaliDepartment
For there to be a Dominant energy condition (DEC), There must be no negative energy density and the energy density has to balance all pressures (\rho \ge 0&\rho - |\mathscr {P}_{j}| \ge 0forj=r,t). The DEC states that the speed of light, which is the fastest that energy ca...
The curvature of spacetime generated by the mass and energy distributions of these cosmic structures has a profound impact on the propagation of light. As predicted by GR, this warping of the gravitational field can cause significant bending and distortion of light rays when they pass in proximity...
Droplet atomisation can be attributed to the interfacial instability29 on the droplet surface with higher sound pressure. In the case when the droplets fall, larger droplets could not counteract the body force on the droplets under gravity. For stable levitation and manipulation of the droplets, ...
Studies of such models will not only shed light on the nature of the cosmic acceleration, but also serve as useful tests of GR on cosmic scales. The impact of modifications to GR has been well studied in terms of the cosmic expansion history and the LSS, i.e. at the background and ...
No experiment to date has provided evidence for quantum features of the gravitational interaction. Recently proposed tests suggest looking for the generation of quantum entanglement between massive objects as a possible route towards the observation of such features. Motivated by advances in optical coolin...
On the other hand, for our toy model, we see that α and x have a wider region of de Sitter solutions. The other parameter β has a higher value than α in the de Sitter solution space towards higher values of x. Fig. 9 Figure on left side shows the de Sitter solutions of the ...
The existence of unstable circular geodesics in any gravitational field of BH spacetime consequently verifies the non-linearity of GR and has a positive value of the Lyapunov exponent quantitatively. The non-linearity in GR provides a non-integrability of such a system, due to which, the unstable...