Density also has the same effect as gravity because gravity attracts matter thereby increasing matter density. The laws of Physics and all the constants of nature such as the Speed of light, Planck's constant, the Gravitational constant, and so on are a function of the dimension of the space...
The low specific gravity and weight of plastic materials represent one of the principle advantages over other materials. All plastic materials are sold today on a cost per weight basis, not on a cost per unit volume basis. Specific gravity has a strong impact on the price, which gives it gr...
For there to be a Dominant energy condition (DEC), There must be no negative energy density and the energy density has to balance all pressures (\rho \ge 0&\rho - |\mathscr {P}_{j}| \ge 0forj=r,t). The DEC states that the speed of light, which is the fastest that energy ca...
a density distribution from a gravity field, it is not possible to prove or disprove the existence of such irregu- larities from gravity data alone; we can, however, ask whether or not there are any irregularities, however great, at a particular depth that could produce the observed field....
The effect of water injection rate and initial water saturation on oil recovery by imbibition mechanism was investigated experimentally. Water injection tests were performed at three different rates and three different initial water saturations. Breakthrough oil recovery was found to be higher when the...
This model has a self-accelerating branch of solution (sDGP), which gives a natural explanation for the cosmic acceleration. However, the sDGP branch suffers from the ghost problems (Koyama 2007) and cannot be considered as a physical model. Moreover, its predictions have been found to be ...
Infragravity waves are surface gravity waves in the ocean with periods longer than approximately 30 s. Infragravity waves propagate transoceanic distances and, because of their long wavelengths, provide a mechanism for coupling wave processes in the ocea
The first mechanism for small-scale shear generation is inertia-gravity waves (IGWs), long recognised as a significant source of energetic motion at small vertical scales in the ocean (Voorhis and Perkins, 1966, for example). Most research has focused on IGWs in regions sufficiently removed fr...
These meters are temperature-controlled to stabilize meter readings; however, repetition studies (Aiken et al., 1998; Jentzsch, 2008) showed that the Burris gravity meter has a higher stability and experiences less tares (a sudden jump in a gravity reading) over long periods of time. Because ...
We consider two interacting systems when one is treated classically while the other system remains quantum. Consistent dynamics of this coupling has been shown to exist, and explored in the context of treating space-time classically. Here, we prove that