Twin brother and sister Dipper and Mabel Pines are sent to the small town of Gravity Falls, Oregon to spend their summer vacation with their great uncle (Grunkle) Stan. Upon arrival, Grunkle Stan enlists the siblings’ help in running The Mystery Shack, a self-owned tourist trap that over...
Gravity falls 一个位于美国某森林深处的小镇,如果你去到这里,一定要去“神秘小屋”看看(并准备好你的钱包?)“hey dipper!“mabel 拍了拍她双胞胎弟弟的肩” grand-uncle-Stan 又叫你去扔意见表了!““ummmm 其实叔公他确实该看看意见表了。“dipper 将意见表摞在一起”至少下次不要让我去扔了。““okay di...