The Gravity Falls Wiki provides a database of knowledge on Disney Channel's hit show, Gravity Falls. Discuss the show in forums, blogs, or our popular chat room. Find detailed information of characters, cryptograms, and hidden messages from the show. Che
作者有点惊讶于Dipper读了他的日志 Dipper见了作者就变Fangirl,那高音彪的= =我总算见识到natural high pitched scream是什么意思了。。。(Moringmark干得漂亮+1) 并没有迹象表明有人黑 Fiddleford和Stanford一起建造了Universe Portal,他手上绑着绳子,差点被吸进去(按照Journal 3上面的图解来看就是开启的UP) Grunk...
Ford became obsessed with anomalies because of his sixth fingers, so starts researching them, eventually leading him to Gravity Falls, Oregon. There he sets up a shack in the woods to study the weird goings on, eventually building the portal with his college roommate Fiddleford McGucket in or...
Ford Pines (formerly, prior to events of show)Stan Pines (formerly)Gideon Gleeful (briefly)Soos Ramirez (currently) Employees Wendy Corduroy (status unknown)MelodyDipper Pines (formerly)Mabel Pines (formerly)Edwin Durland (formerly)Soos Ramirez (formerly) Address 618 Gopher Road, Gravity Falls, ...
开坑!怪诞小镇日志3..Asked shaman to build first portal. Big mistake.The thing was made out of twigs.Guy lit himself on f
Ford’s House The GravityFalls mod features a variety of different content that’s been taken directly from the show itself. Some of the big highlights of this mod include the new weapons and tools such as the Memory Gun, the Magnet Gun, the Fun Dip, the Infinity Pizza or the Laser Arm...
拆迁球开始拆迁吧 Thecoolestpartofthesummer 这个夏天最酷的事 wasGrunkleStan'stwinbrothercameoutofthisportalthingy 就是传送门里走出了斯坦叔公的孪生兄弟 Nowwehavetwogrunklesforthepriceofone. 没想到叔公还能买♥♥♥一♥送♥一♥ And they are adorable together. 他们在一起简直可爱枀啦 "We lov...
毕业后,Fiddleford在加利福尼亚州帕洛阿尔托居住,在那里他创立了“自由个人电脑业务”Fiddleford Computermajigs。在他的工作中,他又接触到了Stanford,Stanford在俄勒冈州的Gravity Falls寻找机械天才,Stanford要在自己的家中建造了一个跨宇宙的多维间传送门。尽管犹豫不决,该装置是否可行,Fiddleford同意,他让他的妻子和...
They already have it: what's behind that portal? What danger does it pose? What did McGucket saw there that made him want to practically lobotomise himself? And Stan and Ford's bad blood's provides such a good new conflict! Reply With Quote 07...