Gravity falls journal豆瓣评分:9.8 简介:Journal 3 brims with every page ever seen on the show plus all-new pages with monsters and secrets, notes from Dipper and Mabel, and the Author's full story. Fans of Gravity Falls will simply love thi
Gravity falls journal 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Alex Hirsch is a writer, animator, voice actor, and director. He is best known for creating Gravity Falls on Disney XD. He was raised in Piedmont, California, and received a BFA in Character Animation from The California Institute of...
SPOILERS FROM HERE ON OUT FORNOT WHAT HE SEEMSANDA TALE OF TWO STANS, TOO. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. So Stan’s twin brother is the Author. He comes out of the universe portal, grabs Journal 1, and punches Stan in the face. Turns out, on top of actually being named Stanley (his brothe...
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Gravity Falls芥末妹纸 169854 怪诞小镇《怪诞小镇》是美国迪士尼公司在2012年6月15日至2016年2月15日期间播出的一档冒险喜剧悬疑类系列儿童电视动画节目。剧情介绍节目讲述了12岁的迪普和双胞胎姐姐梅宝被从加州的家中送到了一个虚构的俄勒冈小镇——重力泉镇,与住在那里,经营着满是欺骗游客陷阱的“神秘小屋”的斯坦...
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When Dipper and Mabel Pines get sent to their great-uncle Stan's shop in Gravity Falls, Oregon for the summer, they think it will be boring. But when Dipper finds a strange journal in the woods, they learn some strange secrets about the town and its strange inhabitants.—Jack Fitzgerald ...