“Trust no one!”– Grunkle Ford About Gravity Falls The popular animated series created by Alex Hirsch,Gravity Fallswas featured on the Disney Channel until 2016. The 2 season, 40 episode animated series is based in part on Hirsch’s childhood experiences with his twin sister, Ariel. The sh...
Grunkle Ford is arguably the most intelligent characterof the show, and he's also incredibly funny on occasion. His main point of humor is that he has been stuck in a different dimension for 30 years, so he is a little out of touch with what is considered regular behavior. This leads t...
Gravity Falls is a Disney Channel animated series. Twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines are in for an unexpected adventure when they spend the summer with their great uncle in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Upon their arrival, Dipper and Mabel's huckster great uncle, Grunkle ...
Grunkle Stan / ... (41 episodes, 2012-2016) Kristen Schaal... Mabel Pines (40 episodes, 2012-2016) Linda Cardellini... Wendy Corduroy / ... (32 episodes, 2012-2016) Kevin Michael Richardson... Sheriff Blubs / ... (29 episodes, 2012-2016) ...
While watching/readingGravity Falls, one wouldn’t think that a universe-traveling super-genius like Grunkle Ford would be even slightly comparable Galactus from Marvel Comics, especially whenGravity Fallshas introduced characters like Bill Cipherand other dangerously powerful creatures of the cosmos. On...
something. The only parts of the episode like that are at the very end, with a question brought up by Mabel in light of what she now knows about Grunkle Stan. The ending is set up for what will be the status quo moving forward, but they could have spread that out a bit more evenly...
Gravity Falls is a Disney Channel animated series. Twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines are in for an unexpected adventure when they spend the summer with their great uncle in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Upon their arrival, Dipper and Mabel's huckster great uncle, Grunkle ...
Fiddleford和Stanford一起建造了Universe Portal,他手上绑着绳子,差点被吸进去(按照Journal 3上面的图解来看就是开启的UP) Grunkle Stan年轻的时候留了八字胡 封面上的六指图案是贴上去的(233不会写花了就扔一本啦→依旧是Moringmark的脑洞 //moringmark.tumblr.com/post/119651526673 ) ...
闻起来就像是死神的呕吐物 Grunkle Ford, need any help with that? 阿福叔公 需要我帮什么忙吗 I've read all about these creatures in your journal, 我读过你日志里介绍的每一种生物 and I think I No! 我觉得 不可以 I'm sorry, Dipper. 很抱歉 迪普 On the dark, weird road I travel, 我走...
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons: Directed by Stephen Sandoval. With Kristen Schaal, Jason Ritter, Alex Hirsch, Jennifer Coolidge. Dipper finds an unlikely friend to join him with his newest obsession- a nerdy board game called "Dungeons, Dungeons a