The Gravity Falls Wiki provides a database of knowledge on Disney Channel's hit show, Gravity Falls. Discuss the show in forums, blogs, or our popular chat room. Find detailed information of characters, cryptograms, and hidden messages from the show. Che
The Gravity Falls Wiki provides a database of knowledge on Disney Channel's hit show, Gravity Falls. Discuss the show in forums, blogs, or our popular chat room. Find detailed information of characters, cryptograms, and hidden messages from the show. Che
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Ford hid his three journals in separate and elaborate locations around Gravity Falls, hoping to keep the knowledge needed to activate theInterdimensional Portalaway from evil forces. Designing a security mechanism hidden above hisbunker, Ford keptJournal 3hidden for years until his disappearance through...
Michael Riandarevealed several early designs of Multi-Bear from that time.[1] "Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls" reveals that the Multi-Bear has taken a class on shiatsu massage. While the Multi-Bear's main head is intelligent and capable of human speech, the rest of his heads are ...
wiki mod post * Here’s the final winning menu forWikia’s Gravity Falls Food Fiction contest! 标签 gravity falls * wikia gravity falls wiki Hey there Gravity Falls fans! We had38 fantastic entries for this round of Food Fiction…one of our best rounds yet! We are excited to present to...
'Gravity Falls Toy Box pack,have 2 figures and 2 power discs!You can use Mabel and Dipper in the toy box mode,and you have two power discs,one of them you can use Mabel's grappling hook' and the other you can use Mabel's pig! Dipper has been voiced by Ja
Mabel still has reason to believe Stan until Dipper finds the Journals. The three try to shut down the portal until Stan bursts into the lab, begging them not to. After yet another anomaly, Mabel is faced with an extremely difficult choice; to shut down the portal and potentially stopping ...
Cipher Hunt was an ARG (alternate reality game) about Gravity Falls, created by series creator Alex Hirsch. The goal of the entire game was to find an actual statue of Bill Cipher, briefly glimpsed in the series finale, by retrieving and decoding clues h
Gravity Falls Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. View Mobile Site Follow on IG TikTok Join Fan Lab Check out Fandom Quizzes and cha 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所...