As a rocket leaves the earth, the pull of the earth on it becomes less and less as the rocket roars out into space. If you imagine a line between the earth and the moon, there’s a point somewhere along that line, nearer to the moon than to the earth, at which the gravitational ...
A.the gravitational pull of the Earth and the moonB.the factors involved in firing a rocket into the outer-spaceC.the gravitational fields of the Earth and the moonD.the speed and direction of a rocket traveling in the outer-space
gravitational 根据不同的词性分别可以翻译为 引力的,重力引起的 的意思。 adj. 形容词 1、重力引起的 2、引力的 单词读音: 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签。 双语例句: 1、引力异常 Gravitational anomaly 2、月球引力变小 The gravitational pull of the moon decreases 3、的地球引力 The enormous gravitational...
A gravitational pull (force of gravity or force of attraction between two masses) can be calculated through Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation equation. It is: F = G (m1*m2)/d^2 What is Earth's gravitational force? It is the force of attraction between the Earth and another massive...
The device converts the buoyancy of water etc. and the gravitational pull of the earth or other bodies, into an intermittent constant rotary movement, to generate energy. It uses a roller system, and utilizes the pitching moment. The device consists of a hollow body (1), which is filled ...
the gravitational pull of the moon 月球的引力 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the earth's gravitational pull. 如果飞行速度超过每秒11公里,宇宙飞船将摆脱地球的引力。 辞典例句 The gravitational pull of a planet attracts other bodies. 行星...
于电际技日主深适火动内转于电际技日主深适火动内转The gravitational pull of the moon has a significant impact o
This was the highest temperature ever measured (测量) on the planet Earth. The highest waterfall in the world is Angel Falls in Venezuela which drops from an amazing height of 3 212 feet. The waterfall drops over the edge of Auyantepui in the Canaima National Park. The gravitational pull ...