and spin of the final black hole, the total energy radiated in gravitational waves, and the peak gravitational-wave luminosity [39]. The estimated total energy radiated in gravitational waves is 3.0 þ0.5 −0.5 M ⊙ c 2 . The system reached a peak gravitational-wave luminosity of...
𝑆def=∫𝑑4𝑥|𝑔|−−√𝑔𝑖𝒪𝑖,Sdef=∫d4x|g|giOi, (2) where we summed over all deformation parameters and their coupling parameters 𝑔𝑖gi. Each of this coupling should reach a finite FP value in the UV, and away from the FP we should see its non-trivial RG...