Gravitational and Related Constants for Accurate Space Navigation. The paper first compares the Gaussian gravitational constant, k s , and the astronomical unit with the cgs value of G and the meter, showing that the latter two are valueless for heliocentric orbits. For geocentric orbits a quasi-...
Thedimension formulaof G is [M-1L3T-2]. Also, the value of the gravitational constant, In SI units: 6.67 × 10-11Nm2kg-2, In CGS units: 6.67×10-8dyne cm2g-2 Vector Form of Newton’s Law of Gravitation The vector form ofNewton’s law of gravitationsignifies that the gravitational...
This system of units is not used in practice, but the possibility of constructing it again shows the arbitrariness of the CGS system. From the expression for the force of gravitational interaction between two particles we can easily find their potential energy U. Using the general relation ...
In the following we restore CGS units. After lengthy algebra one finds the energy-momentum pseudo-tensor of the gravitational field [19], \begin{aligned} t_{\mu \nu }=a_{1}k_{\mu }k_{\nu }\dot{h}_{\alpha \beta }\dot{h}^{\alpha \beta }-a_{2}\delta _{\mu \nu }(k_...