OP.GGU.GGprobuilds.net ABILITIES New Destiny End of the Line Smoke Screen Quickdraw Collateral Damage New Destiny PASSIVE Graves' shotgun has some unique properties. He must reload when he runs out of ammo. Attacks fire 4 bullets, which cannot pass through units. Non-champions struck by ...
Currently, the À1112 C/T polymorphism in its 5¢-flanking region has been identified as having a biological function, and has been shown to regulate gene transcription (van der 580 Table 5 (Continued) UGRP1 À112 G/A GD patients GG GA AA P-value Age (years)±SD Sex (F/M) ...
LeagueofGraphs.comOP.GGprobuilds.net ABILITIES New Destiny End of the Line Smoke Screen Quickdraw Collateral Damage New Destiny PASSIVE Graves' shotgun has some unique properties. He must reload when he runs out of ammo. Attacks fire 4 bullets, which cannot pass through units. Non-champions ...
Graves' Schrotflinte verfügt über ein paar einzigartige Eigenschaften. Er muss nachladen, wenn ihm die Munition ausgeht. Angriffe feuern 4 Kugeln ab, die sich nicht durch Einheiten hindurchbewegen. Einheiten, die keine Champions sind und von mehr als einem Projektil getroffen wurden, werden ...
LeagueofGraphs.comOP.GGprobuilds.net HABILIDADES Nuevo Destino Fin del Trayecto Pantalla de Humo Disparo Veloz Daño Colateral Nuevo Destino PASIVA La escopeta de Graves tiene propiedades únicas. Debe recargar cuando se le acaba la munición. Cada ataque dispara 4 balas que no pueden atravesar...
Currently, the À1112 C/T polymorphism in its 5¢-flanking region has been identified as having a biological function, and has been shown to regulate gene transcription (van der 580 Table 5 (Continued) UGRP1 À112 G/A GD patients GG GA AA P-value Age (years)±SD Sex (F/M) ...
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New Destiny Graves' shotgun has some unique properties. He must reload when he runs out of ammo. Attacks fire 4 bullets, which cannot pass through units. Non-champions struck by multiple bullets are knocked back. Available Skins
OP.GGU.GGprobuilds.net ABILITĂȚI Un nou Destin Capăt de linie Ecran de fum Tir rapid Victime colaterale Un nou Destin PASIVĂ Pușca lui Graves are niște proprietăți unice. Trebuie să reîncarce atunci când rămâne fără gloanțe. Atacurile lan...
A escopeta de Graves tem algumas propriedades únicas. Ele precisa recarregar quando sua munição acaba. Ataques disparam 4 projéteis que não podem atravessar unidades. Não Campeões atingidos por mais de um projétil são empurrados para trás. ...