BraveWords:Is there a Grave Digger album you are unhappy with that you would like to go back and change? Chris:“Yes, the Digger album. When we started working on the album it was a true German metal demo of Grave Digger. But then we took out the Grave and tried to make it more ...
在线看Grave Digger - Baphomet 3分钟 57秒。2011 9月 20的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 70 — 已浏览。 2 — 已评价。
在线看Grave Digger "Heavy Metal Breakdown" (2015) 4分钟 17秒。22 9月 2015的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 1150 — 已浏览。 130 — 已评价。