品牌GravaStar 以機械和重工業風為主賣點,繼早前登陸 GravaStar 重力星球的 Mars Pro 藍牙喇叭後,品牌本次更首度帶來鏤空設計的 Mercury M1 Pro 和 M2 Wireless Gaming Mouse 電玩滑鼠以及機械人旅行快充頭 Alpha65 和 Delta35,將星球版圖再度擴展!另外,GravaStar 更帶來新配色的別注版 Mars Pro Captain 重低音藍牙...
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I ordered my M1 Pro via Amazon, I love the product. It feels good and has a really cool look. Software is easy to use and reliable, battery life is excellent. I recently contacted the support team bc I broke the charging cord for my mouse, totally my fault. But I couldn’t find ...