GravaStar 最近推出了其最新的游戏外围设备——Mercury M1 Pro 和 Mercury M2 游戏鼠标。GravaStar 的创始人 Yong Huang 强调了 Mercury 系列的仿生设计,专注于外观和舒适度,使鼠标成为游戏玩家风格的延伸。Mercury M1 Pro 提供 Battle-Worn Silver Mist 和 Gunmetal Gray 版本,采用镁合金机身,以其强度重量比而闻...
重力星球(Gravastar)Mercury M1 Pro 镁合金MMO无线游戏鼠标 26000DPI 5个编程按钮 5种RGB模式 镂空设计 Gunmetal Gray 2.4G+蓝牙图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
The Mercury M1 Pro is particularly impressive with its strong yet lightweight magnesium alloy body. It’s available in two versions: the Silver Mist, which comes with both 1K and 4K dongles, and the Gunmetal Gray, which includes a 1K dongle. The M1 Pro gaming mouse boasts a high-precision...