morning and night. I also allow for sporadic moments of gratitude. As I’m driving to work in the mornings, I can notice and appreciate the sunrise. At work, I can be grateful for the secretary who greets me each morning, for my students and their kindness, and to the custodian ...
Simple activities that model gratitude can help children make it a habit for life. One easy way to create this habit is to set aside a certain time of day to verbally express and reflect on what you are grateful for in life. Children need to hear adults expressing gratitude. ...
Learning about gratitude can come from discussions, reading books, doing related kids’ activities, and sending thank you cards. It can also come from doing breathing techniques and practicing yoga poses. Gratitude can then be integrated into our thoughts, words, and actions, ultimately becoming par...
Tap the calamus image below to get free access to our best collection of stories for children with related activities.Download it to enjoy our stories whenever you want Advertisement Where to start? Download our freeWorkbook of Values, watch our animated stories and enjoy Jakhu Stories, ourstories...
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the daily lives of college students, resulting in elevated levels of stress, anxiety, and isolation. Research suggests positive psychology interventions aimed at practicing gratitude, offer potential benefits in reducing these common mental health problems....
Among the many backyard activities, we had fishing booths; fishing booth are like portable walls that carnival attendees sling ropes over. Then, two people behind the wall who are running the booth, grab the rope, and use clothes pins to clip on the “fishing” prize. These were big ...
Part and parcel of being a kid in a rural area was asking for rides—to the store, to extracurricular activities, to friends’ houses, to school, even, if you managed to miss the bus. We were all used to it, and all our parents were used to the asking. Many childhood memories invol...
Related activities stem from research in positive psychology and support programming that promotes wellness and a positive school climate. Research shows that fostering gratitude can lead to, among other benefits, students’ greater satisfaction with school and life, optimism, prosocial behavior, positive...
assigned to 1 of 4 conditions: (1) write gratitude letters and do not share them (private gratitude), (2) share gratitude one-to-one with benefactors via text (1-to-1 gratitude), (3) share gratitude publicly on social media (public gratitude), or (4) track daily activities (control)...
Activities that take less than 8 minutes to per-form can be grouped with other like activities to earn the quarter hour. The students have been given 3 x 5 notecards on which to record their hours. Each entry must be verified by the person or business for which it was per-formed. ...