Zapatistas do not expect the Mexican State to grant them quality of life and they are independent of the national and international markets. Reflections upon the potential of grassroots innovation in autonomous Zapatista education and Zapatismo The findings of our literature review and fieldwork ...
The total investment was 4.4 million Deutsch-marks (DM), composed of 25% equity and about 70% debt and a small grant from the state of Bavaria (200,000 DM—The value of a DM in 1999 was about 0.51 Euros) specifically allocated for testing the two wind turbines. In 1998, a ...
Grant is attempting now to deny religious groups who are paying for their own feast the right to choose what food items they spend their money on, attempting to limit religious feasts while at the same time applying no limit to corporate sponsored food sales where she illegally solicits funds ...
Emergency DES also offer educational opportunities, for example, high school students can develop knowledge around new energy technologies and the impacts of climate change on the natural environment (“Eco School Grant program” [69]). The mental health impacts of the 2019/2020 Black Summer fires...
I’ve tended to embed these in my queries anyway, often as some form ofscalar subqery. This is a habit I started as aOracle Formsdeveloper, since Post-Query lookups made repeated network calls that just slowed the application down.