that act as grassland transformation agents were incorporated to create a threat map showing the extent and severity of land-cover transformation activities within the biome; grassland bird species richness information was then incorporated into this map to create biodiversity transformation threat map. Th...
In contrast, RADAR has the ability to penetrate clouds, and therefore there is a need to explore the utility of RADAR to map fire burns.Molema, Talya R.Tesfamichael, Solomon G.Abstracts of the ICA
3). For example, Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus), Thick-billed Longspur, Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys), and Chestnut-collared Longspur may all inhabit the same shortgrass prairie biome, but each requires different vegetation structure within this ecosystem. Mountain Plover and Thick...
Subsequently, the HyMap extracted foliar biochemical information is used to initialise and drive an ecosystem process model (Biome-BGC) in a spatially-distributed manner to estimate NPP of the grassland ecosystems.Results from the first part of this dissertation demonstrated that species-rich grassland...
The grassland biome of southern Africa comprises 28% of the land surface and is the second largest biome after the savanna biome (Carbutt et al., 2011). The grasslands occur mostly on the high central plateau (also known as the Highveld region), the mountainous inland areas of KwaZulu-Natal...
As this map is focussed on grasslands, studies conducted within savanna or forest habitats will not be targeted in this map. However, those which address the dynamics between grassland and wooded states will be included. Whether a study took place in a savanna biome will be determined based on...
He N, Zhang Y, Dai J, Han X, Baoyin T, Yu G (2012) Land-use impact on soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration in typical steppe ecosystems, Inner Mongolia. J Geog Sci 22:859–873 Article Google Scholar Hoekstra JM, Boucher TM, Ricketts TH, Roberts C (2005) Confronting a biome cris...
Effect of image spatial and spectral characteristics on mapping semi-arid rangeland vegetation using multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis (MESMA). Remote Sens. Environ. 132, 120–130 (2013). Article Google Scholar Allard, V. et al. The role of grazing management for the net biome ...
The Eurasian steppes are the second-largest continuous biome on Earth, covering up to 7% of the Earth's total land surface and play a major ecological role, e.g. contributing to the global carbon sink (Bai et al., 2008). Besides limited by nitrogen (N), the productivity of semi-arid ...
(2019). Estimating above ground biomass as an indicator of carbon storage in vegetated wetlands of the grassland biome of South Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 78(January), 118–129.