Any suggestions very much appreciated, thank you so much. PS: I don't think solid union on all the produced solids is a good idea (too expensive computing wise), and solid union says that the boolean set is empty (probably due to overlappign surfaces) I think I understand what you are...
用merge 或者 boolean 或者 union 这些指令 应该可以把曲面接在一起 望采纳~
Transform Parameter Set menu items did nothing, they are now greyed out. Occlusion Component would always return a null topology, this is fixed. Group crossing selection would fail on concave group outlines, this is fixed. Transform input parameters on components would have an empty transform by ...
I managed to get something via GH but when I get to the point when I want to assemble all the volumes it doesn't do anything, and the obtained surfaces can't get assembled with a boolean union in Rhino. Has anyone ever tried something similar and solved it ? Alex. April 29, 2016 a...
Replaced Boolean Toggle object with a new one (Params.Input panel). Added a Button object for temporarily toggling a value (Params.Input dropdown). Added Point Charge component (Vector.Field panel). Added Line Charge component (Vector.Field panel). ...
I don't get it. Rhino.Curves.CreateBooleanUnion won't work at all on the set or the right or left collections either. Rhino/Grasshopper is often broken, actually. Same old story. Robust basic functionality goes missing for years.
For porthole insertion, the wall was drilled using Boolean subtraction functions. The wall thus created is in effect a family that can be exported to Autodesk Revit through the “Rhino.Inside.Revit” plugin (Figure 5). Figure 5. Workflow for generating parametric objects in Rhinoceros/Grasshopper...
I Isolated the specific surface, divided it using paneling tools and created the panels with no problem. the problem starts after baking the panels, when I want to unite them into a single closed polysurface with boolean union. it just won't work... ...
Does your component have any geometry input or output ? if your output&inputs are non-previewable (boolean, string, double, integer etc.) then your component will be non-previewable. Iam not certain about it, but you may override its IsPreviewCapable property. ...