The Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) is a herbivorous, freshwater fish species of family Cyprinidae, and the only species of the genus Ctenopharyngodon. It is cultivated in China for food but was introduced in Europe and the United States for aquatic weed control. More...
The Grass Field Leaf Landscaping logo is a perfect representation of the company's expertise ingardeningand landscaping. The logo features a green leaf with a grass field in the background, highlighting the company's focus on vegetation and lawn care. The inclusion of the weed tag emphasizes th...
There are many different ground covers you can choose from, but the key is finding the right plant. In this article, we take a look at our favorite perennial ground cover plants, with names and pictures of each!
A warm-season grass with a high shade tolerance is St. Augustine. This runner-type grass does well in both sunny and shaded areas.Why are turf varieties sold under different names? Dwarf fescue turf varieties are grown from seed by many sod farms. To differentiate their sod, these farms ...
7. Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans) Ajuga forms a beautiful ground-covering carpet on the ground and can take foot traffic well. It also grows well in dry shade, such as under trees where little else can grow, and blooms with tinypurple flowers in spring and autumn. ...
Grass, lives, and im shooting his grass, with WEED KIlLER. 9,624 - "Anonymous" from ( wrote at 2015/11/05 08:02:04I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. _Walt Whitman ...
themselves. These pictures were a pleasure and a grief. There were nights when she never opened her ledgers, but sat with her forehead leaning in her hands, and the pictures spread on the desk. After she had put them away, she would pace around the room with the lights turned off, and...
Nice pictures, but not all of them could be magnified. The favorite button does not work. I have a small ranch 180 ac. [cattle and horses] and need to eradicate undesired grasses from hay. I need some info about germination temperatures for weed grasses i.e. Foxtails. I do not want...
Only the front yard near Sunset avenue (on either side of the house) and part of the area near the drive way on the way to the garage need care (up till the logs). Some parts of the yard are sloping and I usually use a weed whacked to clear them. ...
The back of the grass carp is silvery to dark grey, and the sides of the body are lighter with a slightly golden sheen. More Grass Carp in Mississippi Farm Ponds - The selection of a weed control program depends on local conditions in the pond, as well as the needs, desires, and ...