This being said, freshly installed sod is sensitive to dog urine, even when ready for play and running around. Try to take the dog out in the morning to pee somewhere else, at least for a few weeks, until the grass sets deeper roots toprotect the sod from dog pee damage. The more e...
Repair dog pee spots on grass for a lush lawn No matter how cute your dog is or how good it is at playing fetch, it doesn’t feel much like your best friend when it wrecks your lawn. Of course, it isn’t your pup’s fault that dog pee kills grass, but naturally, you’l...
this high concentration settles down, allowing the grass to absorb, leading to brown patches. The best way to fix them is toget rid of the affected grass,rake the silkandplant a new seedin the dead spots. The article deals with understanding the dog pee effects and the ways of fixing it...
Doggy Green Up!can be used to:fix dog pee spots,fix dog urine spots,fix lawn spots,fix grass spots,repair dog pee spots on lawns, and it, by far, thebest dog pee spot solution.Use Doggy Green Up! and you will have no more pee patches or spots on your lawn!
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If you don’t want brown dog-urine spots across your lawn, you can train your dog to only urinate in one concentrated area. You can teach your dog to pee in a single location by sticking a “pee post” in the ground. “Pee posts” are treated with pheromones and designed to attract...