游戏机器学习的炼金术与科学 The Alchemy and Science of Machine Learning for 49:19 《彩虹六号:围攻》中的破坏艺术 The Art of Destruction in Rainbow Six: Siege 47:54 《英雄联盟:狂野大裂谷》资产流水线中的不重复发明轮子的艺术 42:17 《地平线西之绝境》的过场动画制作 The Cinematics of 'Horiz...
A psychic told me they were left by little boy in spirit which I found interesting, because just after she left, I was "visited" by a six year old boy from another realm who stood beside me as I sat at my computer. He told me his named was Alexander and he had come to Earth to...
Alchemy Apple Cucumber Autumn Landscape Beasty Brown Bleached Pebble Bondi Blue Budding Peach Cappuccino Cosmico Chasm Clay Red Coral Haze Cuppa Coffee Degas Pink Dried Plum Emerald Reflection Farmers Milk Fogtown Galaxy Blue Golden Green 颜色选择器 ...
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