Weed as needed.Bare soil is a breeding ground for weeds, and you don’t want them re-emerging before you’ve planted new greenery. When you see a weed, pull it out. Also, search for weed roots or any signs that weeds might sprout up again in your yard. Get rid of pests.Check the...
Pam Corle Bennett
Plan to overseed these two bunching grasses if bare spots appear. Does your lawn get full sun, full shade, or a little of both? Fine fescues and turf-type tall fescues can handle partial shade. Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass are better for full-sun lawns. How much time and ...
Here are some before and after pics of the Scotts heat tolerant blue grass seed. My yard is very small I overseeded in August 26,2018. Started with bare spots and lots of weeds. It’s now summer 2019 and the grass is doing great in the 3 digit weather here in Southern California. ...
Once you've removed the weed it's also worth filling in the bare spots with grass seed to prevent weeds from returning. You can also add a thin layer of topsoil and overseed to maintain a thick lawn. For persistent weeds, Callabero says they should be spot-treated with a post-emergent...
Repairing bare spots Submitted9 months ago ByPatches in Texas FromHouston, Texas We have a very shaded front yard that gets very little sunlight due to 4 large oak trees. We had lost some large patches of grass so I opted for the dense shade seed. We raked the top layer of the area,...
Thyme is a common herb in home gardens, appreciated for its adorable leaves and delicious flavor. But that’s not all it’s good for. Species commonly known as Creeping Thyme are a wonderful lawn replacement for sunny spots. Creeping Thyme has aspreading growth habit, quickly filling bare are...
I don’t really think you can go wrong either way — as long as you realize what you’re getting into and what type of project you want to take on. SEED: If you need to fill a few bare spots in your lawn or thicken up a thin patch of grass, seed is probably your best bet. ...
had a fairly serious draught which led to water rationing. This, of course, had rather dire consequences for those of us who live in suburbia, as instead of being able to watch our grass grow, our normally green lush lawns turned brown ... and there were even a lotta bare spots!
In fact, it wasn't until a conversation withTaste of Country Nightsthat Matt Ramsey, Brad Tursi and company learned there are products that, for about $20, let you spray paint your grass to cover up brown spots or bare spots. "And then just get some unknown illness," Tursi chimes in,...