Privacy-preserving Grasp Planning in the Cloud To support industrial automation, systems such as GraspIt! and Dex-Net 1.0 provide "Grasp Planning as a Service" (GPaaS). To assist manufacturers setting u... J Mahler,B Hou,S Niyaz,... - IEEE International Conference on Automation Science & ...
For example, the side of the grasping rectangle perpendicular to the closing direction of the gripper is useless for a two-finger gripper. Additionally, many grasping possibilities are not mapped in the ground truth. These facts may result in the low IOU value of a successful grasping rectangle...
but nature still has plenty to offer researchers in this field. A team in Australia is the latest to tap into the world of biomimicry, demonstrating a new type of robotic gripper modeled on an elephant’s trunk, with the ability to pick up and ...
Section IV. We present our experiments in Section V, and show and discuss results in Section VI. We conclude in Section VII. II. RELATED WORK Deep Learning. A handful of previous works have applied deep learning to detection problems [27, 21, 5]. For example, ...