OBJECTIVE: to determine visceral fat and metabolic profile in hypertensive men with and without obesity. METHODS: analytic cross-sectional study was carried out. Thirty hypertensive men with obesity and 30 hypertensive men without obesity from a primary care clinic. Visceral and subcutaneous fat (by ...
Si bien la grasa subcutánea puede estar justo debajo de la piel, la grasa visceral representa un riesgo más significativo para tu salud si está presente en cantidades excesivas. Su acumulación se ha relacionado con varias enfermedades y afecciones crónicas, como la diabetes tipo 2, el s...
Es importante tratar la grasa visceral en línea con los últimos conocimientos y desarrollos científicos. “El IMC por sí sólo es insuficiente como criterio diagnóstico, ya que la distribución de la grasa corporal tiene un efecto sustancial sobre la salud. La acumulación de grasa abdominal...
La grasa visceral es la "grasa oculta" detrás de las paredes abdominales y puede provocar graves problemas de salud si no se trata. La Dra. Nita Maha explica cómo deshacerte de ella.
En pacientes con VIH, la terapia antirretroviral combinada se ha asociado con una redistribución de la grasa corporal (lipodistrofia), incluyendo la pérdida de grasa facial subcutánea, aumento de grasa visceral e intra-abdominal, hipertrofia de las mamas y acumulación de grasa dorsocervical ...
We determined a high correlation between nutritional diagnosis (BMI/A and IW/A) with indicators of visceral fat (waist circumference) and subcutaneous (% fat mass and fat brachial area) in children with DS. A greater agreement was found between indicators of BMI/A and IW/A suggesting that ...
Nevertheless, observations of hereditary syndromes featuring scant HDL-C...doi:10.1016/j.rccar.2016.09.017Salazar, JuanRojas, JoselynBermúdez, ValmoreElsevier España, S.L.U.Revista Colombiana de Cardiologia
Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) exerts a harmful effect on metabolic homeostasis, but few longitudinal studies have evaluated the prognostic impact of the ratio of VAT to subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT). This study aimed to evaluate whether the VAT/SAT ratio was associated with all-cause mortality...
Due to proximity to the organ, each visceral fat deposit exerts a local modulation rather than a systemic effect. Because of its unique location and biomolecular properties, a "non-traditional" fat depot – the epicardial adipose tissue – has been considered to play a causative role in ...
Scientific and clinical interest in epicardial adipose tissue, the true visceral fat of the heart, is recent, but of great importance. Epicardial fat thickness can be directly detected and accurately measured with standard 2-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography, which has some advantages as an ...