Use the Graph from table macro to easily generate diagrams and flowcharts from data in a Confluence table. Visualize page hierarchy in your Confluence space Want to show how your Confluence pages are organized? Use the Space graph macro to build a customizable diagram that includes live page ...
GraphViz/PlantUML- Adding PlantUML Diagram in Confluence-Wiki with DOT-LanguageMichael Griffel Wiki/Blog omerio/graphviz-webapp- Simple Java Web application deployed as a Docker container and run as part of a Kubernetes cluster byOmer Dawelbeitongit. ...
defgenerate_table_mapping_diagram(mapping_config):graph =Digraph("Imposm Mapping", format="png", graph_attr={"rankdir":"LR","ranksep":"3"})fortableinfind_tables(mapping_config): graph.subgraph(generate_mapping_subgraph(table)) graph.render(filename="mapping_graph", view=True) 开发者ID:win...