GraphStudioNext is a tool for developers to build and test DirectShow Graphs - graph-studio-next/graphstudionext.sln at master · cplussharp/graph-studio-next
graphstudionext.v11.vcxproj.user graphstudionext.v12.sln graphstudionext.v12.vcxproj graphstudionext.v12.vcxproj.filters graphstudionext.v14.sln graphstudionext.v14.vcxproj graphstudionext.v14.vcxproj.filters graphstudionext.v141.sln graphstudionext.v141.vcxproj graphstudionext.v141.vcxproj.filters ...
"IDR_MAINFRAME ICON ""res\\\graphstudionext64.ico""\r\n" "IDI_GRAPHSTUDIO_GRAPHTYPE ICON ""res\\\graphxml64.ico""\r\n" "#else\r\n" "IDR_MAINFRAME ICON ""res\\\graphstudionext.ico""\r\n" "IDI_GRAPHSTUDIO_GRAPHTYPE ICON ""res\\\graphxml.ico""\r\n" "#endif\r...
Software Description:GraphStudio is an open source alternative/replacement for GraphEdit Version: (GraphStudioNext) Date:2022-01-17 14:12:29 File Size:4.96 MB Download Count:3323 The download link to the right is enabled with our secure download manager to ensure a successful, faster dow...
怎么用GraphStudioNext录制采集卡? 只看楼主收藏回复 粤语王 托儿所 1 小白不懂啊。。。怎么拖啊。。送TA礼物 1楼2013-09-07 19:53回复 天魔666 托儿所 1 为什么不直接使用 VirtualDub ? 2楼2013-09-07 23:36 回复 nba林老大 四年级 7 用PotPlayer Alt + C键 不好用吗?不强大吗? 3楼...
graphstudionext-32,64两个版本 评分: 类似graphedt的directshow调试工具,是graphstudio的升级版,包括32,64位两个版本。除了基本的graphedt功能,拓展了很多实用功能,例如可以直观看到filter详细的信息,枚举其所支持的接口等等 graphstudio graphedt directshow 64位 2018-02-02 上传 大小:3.00MB ...
nebula-graph-studio-3.8.0 ARM架构编译完成的包 nebula-graph-studio-3.8.0版本 Centos7.9 ARM架构服务器编译的程序,直接解压,运行start.sh脚本即可。 上传者:m0_50243963时间:2023-12-19 CVE-2017-12615-master.zip CVE-2017-12615漏洞利用工具;CVE-2017-12615漏洞利用工具; ...
[开源软件集萃]-1-GraphStudioNext 技术标签:DirectShow开源编辑器 GraphStudioNext GraphStudioNext is a DirectShow graph editor. It's an open source alternative to Microsoft Graph Edit in the Windows SDK with many additional features. Tag DirectShow,filter-graph,可拖拽的......
Once a graph has been tested in a graph editor, it can be created programmatically in a programming language such as C++ using the DirectShow API.GraphStudioNext is a fork of RadScorpion's GraphStudio, which stopped updating in 2009. Because of some bugs and missing features, the author ...