On some Properties of middle cube graphs and their SpectraLakshmi, RupaPanduJournal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research)
Laplacian matrix of graphs and their spectrum are studied. Laplacian energy of a graphGof ordernis defined asLE(G)=∑i=1n|λi(L)−d¯|, whereλi(L)is thei-th eigenvalue of Laplacian matrix ofG, andd¯is their average.
20 Maxim Konsevitch - 14 Exponential Integral 1:50:58 Nader MASMOUDI - 13 Stability of the 3D Couette Flow 1:20:32 Olivia Caramello - Grothendieck toposes and their role in Mathematics 1:19:14 On the Fine-Structure of Space-Time - Alain Connes 1:03:37 Sir Michael Atiyah, What is a ...
such as bisection bandwidth, diameter, and fault tolerance. This motivates considering graphs with optimal spectral expansion, calledRamanujan graphs, as potential candidates for interconnection networks. In this work, we explore
A review of the basic facts on graphs and their spectra is included. 阅读PDF 53 被引用 · 0 笔记 引用 1 被引用 发布时间 · 被引用数 · 默认排序 Request failed with status code 503 社区问答 我要提问 Request failed with status code 503 当前暂未提供PDF 你可以通过自己上传来继续阅读 ...
Some trees are determined by their Laplacian spectra spectrum of a graphcospectral graphseigenvalueLaplacian spectrurnThe question "which graphs are determined by their spectra?" is discussed.By using the ... X Shen,Y Hou - 《Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University》 被引量: 51发...
“The theory of graph spectra has been getting increasing attention over the last several years. … This text … moves the study further along and provides an outstanding reference for graduate students and researchers interested in the many applications of these eigenvalues and their associated eigenv...
Matrix【预订】Graphs-[With-CDROM]【预订】BipartiteMatrices-Their-Recent【预订】H-Ring-Spectra【预订】Topology【预订】Hadamard-MatricesEvolutions:New-Trends 当当自营 商品详情 开本: 纸张: 包装: 是否套装: 国际标准书号ISBN:9780521593458 所属分类:图书>英文原版书>学习 考试>Education教育与考试 ...
There are many problems in physics and chemistry where the Laplacian matrices of graphs and their spectra play the central role. Some of the applications are mentioned in Section 5. It is worth noting that the physical background served as the idea of a well known algorithm of W.T. Tutte ...
A Survey on Spectra of infinite Graphs An overview on spectra of locally finite infinite graphs and related topics is presented. The adjacency matrix and the transition matrix of the simple random walk on a graph, and the corresponding difference Laplacian matrices and their ... M Bojan,W Wolfg...