Different types of graphs & charts with examples 1. Bar chart Bar charts stand as one of the pillars in data visualization, offering clarity and simplicity. They are designed to represent discrete categories or groups. Their primary function is to allow for easy comparison across these categories,...
Graphs and charts are excellent ways to showcase data and emphasise certain data points or findings. Before choosing the right data visualisation tool for your project, let’s first look at the most common examples of graphs and charts. Bar chart A bar chart uses rectangular bars to represent ...
Graphs and Charts in Excel are the pictorial representation of datasets for easy presentation and understanding. Graphs represent the numeric data and show the relation and variation of how one number affects or changes another. However, charts represent data that may or may not be related. For ...
Spider charts are also known as Radar or Star charts and are often used to compare more than two quantitative variables. Every category is represented by radii splaying out like pokes from a center point. The length of these spokes is proportionate to the compared value. The spokes of each ...
OHLC, HLC and Candlestick charts all requires plugin::OHLCRenderer renderer plugin, then simply set the candleStick property to true in rendererOptions. 123 $pc->add_series(array( 'renderer'=>'plugin::OHLCRenderer', 'rendererOptions'=>array('candleStick'=>true))); Live demo External Data Sour...
1. Comparison/Relationship Charts– Pretty self explanatory, right? You have data on two or more variables and you want to show them together, probably to show a correlation or pattern of some type. Examples might include MPG of three different cars, average heights according to race, etc.Bar...
1Study skillsCharts and graphs (1): Using a spidergramSpidergrams are very useful. They can help you organize your ideas and plan your writing. When you make a spidergram, you start in the middle with the main topic. Then think of the sub-topics and add some examples. Look at the spid...
The ggplot2 package offers a nearly endless array of combinations to visualize your data. I hope you have found these examples useful. Advanced users will find much more detail in ourbooks. In particular, theBlueSky Statistics User Guidecontains the point-and-click equivalents for most of these...
More examples of bar charts…. Composite Bar Charts Great for when a total figure is made up of different sets of figures This bar chart allows you to show negative data… This chart allows you to chow negative data and could be used if you have had a score system with a negative ...
Top 10 Advanced & Cool Excel Charts and Graphs Examples?Now that you’ve installed and opened ChartExpo on your Excel worksheet, it is time to start using it to draw your charts. However, if you are using ChartExpo for the first time, you need to see these top 10 most useful charts ...