.prettierrc .releaserc .yarnrc.yml CHANGELOG.md CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md CONTRIBUTING.md LICENSE.md PROTOCOL.md babel.config.js jest.config.js package.json rollup.config.js tsconfig.cjs.json tsconfig.esm.json tsconfig.json typedoc.js yarn.lockBreadcrumbs graphql-ws /docs /modules / client.md Latest...
如果你说的是thisgqlgen,它不支持GraphQL over WebSocket Protocolgraphql-ws的实现,可悲的是,它只...
Ⓜ️iMessege⚡ is powered by Nextjs⭐ , chakra-UI,💝 graphql ,graphql-ws♨️ , prisma client and apollo server . is a web application that allows multiple users to have a private chat. This app allows one to one chat and group chat🔥 onli
[graphql-ws](../README.md) / NextMessage # Interface: NextMessage ## Table of contents ### Properties - [id](NextMessage.md#id) - [payload](NextMessage.md#payload) - [type](NextMessage.md#type) ## Properties ### id • `Readonly` **id**: `string` ___ ### payload •...
I thought it would help to increase the timeout from the default 5000ms, but the problem still persists. Is there some try/catch/error handling I'm missing or something else? My index.android.js looks like: const wsClient = new SubscriptionClient(`wss://${scapholdURL}`, { reconnect: ...