在GraphiQL 资源管理器中,下面的两个查询都产生相同的结果,并且想知道我什么时候应该使用一个而不是另一个(即edge.node.data与nodes.data): 查询#1: queryArticles {articles:allPrismicArticle {edges{node{data{title{text}image{url}paragraph{html}}} Run ...
Edges contain nodes—data records—and cursors, which are encoded strings that provide contextual information about how to paginate backwards or forwards from that object. { movie { name actors (first:5) { edges { cursor node { name } } } } } In this example, a movie node would return...
GraphQL is a powerful query language that can be used to access data from any API. It is based on the concept of a graph, which is a collection of nodes (vertices) and edges (links). You can leverage GraphQL to query data from any data source, including databases, file systems, and...
{"$schema":"https://aka.ms/azure/static-web-apps-cli/schema","configurations":{"dab":{"appLocation":"frontend","outputLocation":"build","appBuildCommand":"npm run build","run":"npm run dev","appDevserverUrl":"http://localhost:5173","dataApiLocation":"...
There are a few new things to notice when you use virtual nodes. The first is the use of $virtual within the Cypher statement on the edges field. When you mark a type as Virtual, the parameters which were passed to the field which returned that type will be "copied" onward to child ...
{ galleries { nodes { galleryItems(offset: 2, first: 3) { nodes { mediaId } } } } } This is the PSQL query generated (idk how this query works exactly or its efficiency vs the PARTITION BY query that I shared earlier): with __local_0__ as ( select to_json( ( json_build_ob...
For graphs that follow the GraphQL Cursor Connection Specification (such as Payments and Refunds), you specify a top-level edges list of node objects in your query instead of the top-level nodes. You can check the schema to find the valid syntax for each entry point. Because mainLocation ...
issues(labelName: "bug", not: {labelName: "bug2"}) { nodes { id title } }You can use the negated helper from Gitlab::Graphql::NegatableArguments in your type or resolver. For example:extend ::Gitlab::Graphql::NegatableArguments negated do argument :labels, [Gra...
import { Field, ObjectType, Int } from '@nestjs/graphql'; import { Type } from '@nestjs/common'; interface IEdgeType<T> { cursor: string; node: T; } export interface IPaginatedType<T> { edges: IEdgeType<T>[]; nodes: T[]; totalCount: number; hasNextPage: boolean; } export ...
import { Field, ObjectType, Int } from '@nestjs/graphql'; import { Type } from '@nestjs/common'; interface IEdgeType<T> { cursor: string; node: T; } export interface IPaginatedType<T> { edges: IEdgeType<T>[]; nodes: T[]; totalCount: number; hasNextPage: boolean; } export ...