Unlock microservices potential with Apollo GraphQL. Seamlessly integrate APIs, manage data, and enhance performance. Explore Apollo's innovative solutions.
Unlock microservices potential with Apollo GraphQL. Seamlessly integrate APIs, manage data, and enhance performance. Explore Apollo's innovative solutions.
gql}=require('apollo-server-koa')/*** 在 typeDefs 里定义 GraphQL Schema** 例如:我们定义了一个查询,名为 book,类型是 Book*/consttypeDefs=gql`type Query {book: Bookhello: String}enum BookStatus {DELETEDNORMAL}type Book {id: IDname: Stringprice: Floatstatus: BookStatus}`;const...
Choose Apollo GraphOS to build, test, and deliver your GraphQL API platform across any number of teams or apps Pricing for all stages Unlock the full power of GraphQL: Schema management, CI/CD, observability, and collaboration tools Enterprise-grade GraphQL API gateway, GraphOS Router Enterprise...
Unlock microservices potential with Apollo GraphQL. Seamlessly integrate APIs, manage data, and enhance performance. Explore Apollo's innovative solutions.
Unlock microservices potential with Apollo GraphQL. Seamlessly integrate APIs, manage data, and enhance performance. Explore Apollo's innovative solutions.
cache:这配置了Apollo客户端的缓存实现,以使用内存缓存访问数据并存储GraphQL查询的结果,减少了从服务器重新获取数据的需要。 现在您可以将您的组件与ApolloProvider一起包装: ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root")).render(<React.StrictMode><ApolloProvider client={client}><App/></ApolloProvider>...
正如 Apollo GraphQL 的首席技术官兼联合创始人Matt DeBergalis所描述的那样,作为“我们做过的最伟大的事情”,Connectors 提供了一种将 REST API(即将推出更多 API)转换为GraphQL语言的方法。以前没有Connectors ,为了实现这一点,您需要一小段称为 GraphQL 服务器的中间件代码。“您只需为每个 API 创建一次...
npm install @apollo/client 导航到您的main.jsx文件并导入以下内容: importReactfrom"react";importReactDOMfrom"react-dom/client";importAppfrom"./App.jsx";import{ApolloProvider,ApolloClient,InMemoryCache,}from"@apollo/client";import"./index.css"; ...
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