Graphmatech is a material technology company from Sweden that invents, develops, and supplies novel materials for sustainable industrial scale.
2025年1月23日,南极熊获悉,瑞典材料创新公司Graphmatech与立陶宛长丝制造商Filalab UAB合作推出了一款石墨烯增强的3D打印长丝材料C-PETG,并宣称这是市场上最快的静电放电(ESD)聚合物解决方案。该材料旨在提升电子制造领域的打印速度,并提供必需的防静电保护能力。 △Graphmatech和Filalab合作生产的C-PETG长丝 Graphmat...
Graphmatech正在申请专利的技术将聚合物基质中的石墨烯薄片均匀混合,保留了石墨烯的许多惊人材料特性。与竞争材料相比,由此产生的石墨烯 – 聚合物复合材料除其他外,对气体的渗透性更差,导电性更强,导热性更强,并且更容易在各种制造技术中加工。“与Steelhead复合材料合作是我们实现石墨烯绿色转型的使命的一大步。
该合作伙伴关系将Steelhead复合材料领先的压力容器技术,服务和市场地位与Graphmatech的石墨烯 – 聚合物复合材料相结合,以实现氢经济。 Graphmatech正在申请专利的技术将聚合物基质中的石墨烯薄片均匀混合,保留了石墨烯的许多惊人材料特性。与...
Materials technology company Graphmatech AB, Uppsala, Sweden, reports that it has raised $9.8 million (SEK 84.5 million) in an investment round that is said to be fundamental to accelerate its technology development and launch graphene-based products to new markets. "We are very pleased to see...
Graphmatech's graphene-engineered metal powder combines the exceptional properties of graphene with various metals. This technology brings metals to new levels of performance, making them ideal for applications in electrification, energy-related and high-precision sectors. MTC PS plans to develop and ...
To support this, Graphmatech has also received a 10 M SEK grant from the Swedish Energy Agency to create a mobile production line for hydrogen-related materials, allowing for the development and testing of new pressure vessels and pipes....
Graphmatech开发了一种旨在实现石墨烯全面实施的材料 Graphmatech是一家总部位于瑞典的开发石墨烯基纳米复合材料的初创公司,该公司宣布乌普萨拉大学最近取得了一项突破,据称“解决了石墨烯的实际应用问题”。 该公司解释说,到目前为止,一个主要的挑战是在升级下的聚集,这阻碍了石墨烯在实际应用中的使用。“这种名为Aro...